AI Search: Flexible Database Access

Revolutionizing How We Explore Information

In an era defined by technological advancements, voice search has emerged as a transformative tool, reshaping the way we interact with information. Its convenience and accessibility are undeniable, offering users a hands-free alternative to traditional text-based searches.

Revolutionize Client Management with AI-Powered Search

Experience the future of database navigation today, and elevate your business operations to new heights with our innovative AI search technology. Say goodbye to manual searches and hello to seamless client management.

Unleash Your Imagination!



AI-Powered Candidate Screening

Koyox leverages advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to screen and analyze candidates' resumes efficiently.


Natural Language Processing

Utilizes NLP to extract relevant information from resumes, such as skills, qualifications, and experience, enabling more accurate candidate matching.


Customizable Job Criteria

Allows clients to define specific job criteria and requirements, tailoring the hiring process to their unique needs and preferences.


Automated Candidate Ranking

Automatically ranks candidates based on their suitability for the job, streamlining the selection process and saving time for recruiters.


Integrated Communication

Facilitates seamless communication between recruiters and candidates through integrated messaging features, ensuring a smooth hiring experience.


Data Analytics Dashboard

Provides comprehensive data analytics and insights into the hiring process, enabling clients to track performance metrics and optimize recruitment strategies.

Technical Details:

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Machine Learning Models

Koyox employs machine learning models trained on vast datasets of resumes and job descriptions to recognize patterns and make intelligent candidate recommendations.


OpenAI Models

Koyox uses OpenAI models, like ChatGPT and Generative AI which generates text based on user Query.


Scalable Infrastructure

Built on a scalable cloud infrastructure, allowing Koyos to handle large volumes of data and accommodate growing user bases without compromising performance.


API Integrations

Offers APIs for easy integration with existing HR systems and workflows, ensuring seamless data exchange and workflow automation.


Data Security

Implements robust security measures to protect sensitive candidate and client data, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.


Continuous Learning

Utilizes feedback loops and continuous learning techniques to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of its algorithms over time, ensuring ongoing optimization and performance enhancement.

Upgrade Your Talent Acquisition with AI-Powered Solutions!

KoyoX play a crucial role in the recruiting process by automating tasks, improving efficiency and providing deeper insights. These are some ways in which KoyoX helps in the personnel recruitment process: Selection of CVs, Analysis of Profiles in Social Networks, Virtual Interviews, Evaluation of Competencies, Analysis of Sentiments, Recommendations of Candidates, Diversity and Inclusion, Monitoring and Analysis of Recruitment Performance

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AI Search: Essential Features Unveiled

Enhancing Candidate Interaction

Companies continually search for ways to optimize recruitment. The Digitys Smart hiring agent exemplifies this, streamlining the process and elevating the candidate's experience.

Touchless Interview Scheduling

Traditionally, interview scheduling required extensive coordination. The Digitys hiring agent modernizes this, automating the process by accessing talent acquisition calendars after initial conversations and smartly suggesting optimal slots based on candidate preferences and set criteria.

Ensuring Efficiency and Time Savings

The Digitys hiring agent automates key recruitment tasks, allowing the team to prioritize strategic assessments and ensuring timely interactions for a better candidate experience. Its 24/7 operation caters to global candidates, expanding its talent pool.

Data-Driven Decision Making

The hiring agent collects data that offers insights into candidate preferences & recruitment trends, enabling refined decision-making aligned with Digitys talent acquisition objectives.

Ensuring diversity and Inclusivity through Ethical AI

Digitys smart hiring agent standardizes recruitment interactions, promoting fairness by focusing on candidates' qualifications and skills, thus minimizing potential biases. This ensures a more equitable and inclusive hiring process.

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